Program src/green/disan/gabor.f =============================== Navigation: [/](/) [src/](src) [green/](src_green) [disan/](src_green_disan) **Calculate gabor matrix** Theory: Group-slowness analysis ------------------------------- The theory behind this program is described by [[Forbriger (2003. Inversion of shallow-seismic wavefields: I. Wavefield transformation. Geophys. J. Int., 153, 719-734, appendix B)|]]: If ```latex u(t,r) ``` is a seismogram at location *r*, the spectrogram (Gabor matrix) is defined by ```latex \begin{equation} f(\omega,t)=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty} u(t^\prime,r)\,h(t^\prime-t)\, e^{i\omega t^\prime}\,\text{d} t^\prime \end{equation} ``` with a Gaussian taper ```latex \begin{equation} h(\tau)=\exp\bigl(-(\tau/\sigma)^2\bigr). \end{equation} ``` This essentially is the Fourier-transform of a tapered version of the waveform with the taper centered at *t*. ```latex $\sigma=53\,\text{m}$ ``` means a half width of 90m for the taper. Properties of this 'moving-window analysis' are discussed by Kodera et al. (1976) and Wielandt and Schenk (1983).